Well, to start off, congratulations on getting into your dream college in Pune! So now you’re heading off to the Oxford of India, ready to make friends and meet new people, prepared to move into your girls PG in Pune, and of course learn several new things. And your first year of college can be one of the best and most exciting times of your life as you navigate through all of this. But it can lead to some stress and confusion too. That’s why taking care of your mental health as you make your transition into college is super important. If you’re not sure how to go about it, don’t worry. We’ve got some hacks that will help you stay on track.
Get a Move On
When you first move to Pune, it’s really easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of events and parties that are going on around you. And if you think about all those binges coupled with your dining hall food, and the amount of time you spend sitting (whether it’s in class or in your hostel room) it’s sure to add up. That’s when incorporating some movement or activity into your life becomes super important. Not only will it help you stave off the dreaded ‘Freshman 15’, it’ll also be a chance for you to refresh your mind and get your endorphins flowing. Go for a run across campus, or take a walk with some of your friends, or take the stairs when you’re in between classes – whatever you need to get some exercise in your life.
Schedule Alone Time
It’s your first year in college, so you’re obviously going to spend a large portion of your time meeting and interacting with new people. But all that socialising can get a little overwhelming at times and make you feel totally drained. That’s why it’s important to schedule some me-time for yourself during the day. Even if it’s just fifteen minutes at the start or end of your day, this should be a time where you’re undisturbed and able to engage in something that you quite like to do. This moment of peace will help you keep your mind calm and give you energy that will last through the day.
Phone a Friend
One side effect of moving to college in Pune is homesickness. These blues are bound to strike at some point. And if not full-blown, there could be other moments of discomfort or sadness when you’re longing for a familiar voice. At these times, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and reach out to an old friend or family member. Talking to them will surely help cheer you up and leave you in better spirits. In fact, it’s a good idea to reach out to your family or school friends regularly in any case, just so that you don’t lose touch while you’re in college.
Don’t Skimp on Sleep
Every college student has done it and it’s understandable. You moved to a new city as exciting as Pune to enjoy it, not to sleep. But even if the temptation to keep pulling all-nighters everyday seems to rear its head, try to resist it. Getting enough rest while in college is super important. It’ll give you a lot more energy and let you start each day feeling refreshed and motivated. In contrast, sleep deprivation can lead to exhaustion and feelings of unhappiness. So, make sure you make rest a part of your routine and get at least six hours of sleep every night to feel your best.
Say No
Look, you’re going to end up receiving a tonne of invites to parties, events, and gatherings, especially if you live in a professionally managed residence like Stanza Living which has a great culture of community-building and celebration. But accepting every single invitation might leave you feeling overloaded and totally drained, not to mention it might not be feasible either. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to some events and invites. You’re not obliged to attend anything during your first year and declining an invitation will be more polite than cancelling at the last minute too. This will also ensure you’re not overextending yourself or feeling burdened by social pressures.
And there you have it. These five hacks will have you feeling your physical and mental best during your first year of college in Pune. Try them out and watch yourself thrive in this stage of your life. Good luck!