\Ask yourself the question, your precious objects and information in a drawer or in a safe?Wehave already chosen. Be aware that having a safe at home is not an outward sign of wealth, but an effective measure against theft.The statistics are precise, the average duration of a burglary is about ten minutes.
During this time, the burglar will put all his experience forward to steal from you what is most valuable and on this subject, if the fox knows where the chicken hides its eggs, it is the same for the thief, he knows where to go. This is why the use of the security safes is important.
Tips for choosing a safe:
It will all depend on the size chosen, the location and the thickness of your walls.The built-in safe is a good solution, but you will need thick, very thick walls! The depth-trunk or thickness-wall ratio varies depending on the situation of your wall, if it is an exterior wall on the ground floor this ratio must be at least 50or50, for example; with a minimum wall thickness of 50 cm, the chest will be +or- 25 cm deep. From a practical point of view if you deduct the door thickness, you will quickly notice that the interior useful depth is really short.
- Some models of safes are designed for underfloor installation, from a security point of view this solution is interesting, but little used, because there is a constraint in use, in each time you use it you will have to get on all fours to access it.
- Currently, the majority of safes marketed are so – called furniture or monobloc safes, the choice and certifications are more numerous. Also prefer a model that will also offer you fire resistance.
Choose the size of a safe
What are you going to put inside? To choose a safe, first define the volume required. Confidential documents, passport, jewelry, valuables, state-of-the-art digital cameras? Make an inventory and plan an additional volume reserve of at least 25%.
The place
Certainly, you need discretion, it is not a coffee table, but from there to put on a diving suit and crawl to take your passport you should not exaggerate! In my experience, there is no need to “hide” your safe, we think it is wiser to choose your safe and secure it effectively. Accessibility to your safe is more than important, we generally recommend a room that is not main, for example your bedroom, office, dressing room, or even a closet. You will access it with ease.
Be aware that if the constraint exists, that is to say complicated to access, you will use it little and leave your values accessible again. On the other hand if the use is simple and easy access it will directly become an automation.
The quality
Unfortunately the name safe is free and sometimes there are boxes like it, aluminum or light metal.In quality, we will pay attention not only to the quality of manufacture, but also to the quality of resistance of the safe, so we recommend a very simple rule, talk to a professional in the sector. No you will not have to detail the content that you will protect, but the professional will direct you to the model and certification of safe that suits you best.