Whether house or condominium: If you want to sell a property, you have to ask yourself a lot of questions in advance: When should you sell? What is the market value of the property? And how can suitable buyer groups be reached? It is not just specialist knowledge and time that is required. A variety of typical mistakes can also make real estate sales difficult – the following points should be considered by real estate sellers especially in Condo near Thaphra (คอนโด ท่าพระ which is the term in Thai)
Inappropriate Time For The Property Sale
Never sell head over heels: the right time to sell a property is the deciding factor when it comes to the selling price. However, because property prices are constantly changing in most regions, you should watch carefully before a possible sale: Could the prices in the area rise further in the coming years ? Or are there already signs of price changes ?
Inadequate Property Valuation
A tip first: property value is not the same as property value. The value of a property is always determined by supply and demand as well as a variety of other factors . This means that the market value of a house or apartment can fluctuate and sometimes deviate significantly from the original purchase price. In order to obtain an objective and comprehensive assessment of the sales price, it is advisable to have a professional market value appraisal .
In Principle Exclude Real Estate Agents
It is better to think twice about whether a broker would be helpful: Selling a property not only requires a wide range of expertise, but also a lot of time for marketing. Who’s to sell property so on their own wants, which should not go in thinking only in the real estate market, but also bring good nerves and patience. Real estate agents specialize in buying and selling houses and apartments.