Most people are familiar with the term “fall arrest” but are not sure what it actually entails. Fall arrest systems are designed to stop a person from falling or to dramatically reduce the impact of a fall. There are many different types of fall arrest systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Read on to learn about the different types of fall arrest systems and how they work!
1. Personal Fall Arrest System:
A personal fall arrest system consists of a harness and lanyard that attach to an anchor point above you. In the event that you slip or lose your footing while working at height, your body weight will be transferred through the system and will prevent you from falling more than six inches (15.24 cm). Personal fall arrest systems are typically used for workers who do not need to be protected against falls over 20 feet (6 meters).
Personal fall arrest systems are designed for one person only; if multiple workers need protection against falls at a height, it is important to use a horizontal lifeline system instead.
2. Fall Protection Anchor Points:
Fall protection anchor points are a type of fall arrest system that is commonly used on construction sites. These anchor points consist of metal stakes that are driven into the ground using an impact hammer. The anchor point allows one end of your climbing rope to be secured while the other end is left loose so that you can move around freely without fear of being pulled up by your rope if it snags on something above you while you’re working overhead.
3. Horizontal Lifeline Systems:
Another type of fall protection system uses horizontal lifelines, which are similar to guardrails except that they stretch across multiple floors instead of just one. These systems require anchors at both ends and are typically used when there is a risk of falling from multiple levels at once (for example, when there are stairs or scaffolding).
4. Guardrails:
Guardrails are one of the most common forms of fall protection. They can be used either as a permanent installation or as temporary safety railings during construction projects. Guardrails are typically made out of steel or aluminium and make it impossible for workers to walk off ledges where they could fall onto hard surfaces below them.
Guardrails can be installed in virtually any setting, including homes, offices and factories around the world. The only real drawback to guardrails is their tendency to collect dust and grime over time which makes them less effective than other types of protective barriers like barricades or fences.
5. Mobile Fall Protection Systems:
Mobile fall protection systems include safety harnesses and lanyards that allow workers to climb up and down vertical structures without having to use any other equipment like rope or scaffolding (except for their personal harnesses). These systems require less setup time than scaffolding but can be more difficult to use because they require strong upper body strength, good balance, and dexterity in order to properly secure yourself while climbing up or down vertical surfaces.
6. Safety Harnesses for Fall Arrest:
They are designed to keep a person from falling and allow them to move around freely while wearing the harness.
Safety harnesses are typically made from nylon webbing, and they have a series of buckles that allow you to adjust the length according to your size. The nylon webbing is attached directly to an anchor point in your workplace, so when you let go of the rope or scaffolding, you will automatically be stopped by the rope or scaffolding itself.
Safety harnesses come in two different styles:
1. Full body harnesses cover your entire upper body, including your back and legs. They are often designed with padding in key areas such as the shoulders and hips so that they don’t rub against sensitive skin when you’re wearing them all day long.
2. Waist-only harnesses are significantly less expensive than full-body harnesses because they do not need as much padding or other features that make full-body safety belts so comfortable over long periods of time.
When it comes to fall arrest systems, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is important to consult with a safety professional who can help you determine which system will work best for your specific needs.