Painting an exterior of your home, one must consider some essential points, which can not only make your home look and feel valuable asset, but also will increase the market value, and curb appeal. The most important considered is well of course the colour scheme, One must choose a colours palette that reflects their personality, and which they will love in the years to come. One must feel content. And should also consider to be intimidating.
Hue selection
Exterior unlike the interior, is never blank, so a proper survey must be done, on what you cannot change, Stonework, Windows, gutters and roof. By these elements colour pallet is dictated. So one needs to work it out, for example, in case of red roof, with warmer shade it must be balanced. One must note down the elements with their fixed colours which they cannot change and according to those unchangeable colours must consider other colours to choose.
The architectural design
Now as we all know, we are not going to rebuild the building so the architectural design must not be ignored, the home style must be considered, so colours combinations that you choose to paint the exterior must value the style of the building, as beach house will go good if the colours are fun packed and bright. Whereas muted colours go good with Victorian homes. So the style of the building must be considered and which colour will go well with it.
Considering surroundings of the home.
The surrounding also play an important factor on choosing the right colour pallet, for example saturated and dark colours must be avoided if the surroundings are often bright. Say it will lead to heat absorption and can also fade with time.
Rather than sticking out the colours must stand out. If there are more trees in the backdrop, one must consider colours that blend well like for example black or navy as they are deeper colours. And if the house is surrounded by a desert, terracotta colours must be considered. As climate and landscape play pivotal role.
Survey surroundings,
Your home colours must match the neighbourhood, and most of the inspiration must be taken from neighbourhood. It’s not he colours but the aesthetics.
If you plan to live in home, the one must consider matching the interior with the exterior, and plans to sell it, the masses appeal must be considered. So neutral colours can be considered in that case, like grey or white,
One should simply consider keeping it simple
Base colour must be chosen then a trim colour, for door an accent colour can also be chosen.
First a wall colour must be chosen which is the easiest, the trim colour which can be two times lighter than the wall colour or darker. It is important that the undertone is shared by the hues, one must stick to either colour colours or the warmer colours.
It is important to check or text the colours on a virtual image of the home on the computer, as most paint housing offer this facility, where the colours are entered to check if it is fine or working well. Before starting in real time.