Growing your own fruit trees can be an exciting adventure. Having fresh, juicy fruits all summer long is definitely something to look forward to. However, planting and harvesting are not always as easy as it seems. There are a few things that you can do, though, to make the process easier. The main thing is to research well so that you are prepared for any planting challenges.
Find Out What Grows in Your Area
You will have a lot more success if you plant something that grows well in your area. For example, if you are trying to grow an orange tree in Minnesota, you might not have great success. You must choose plants that naturally thrive in your climate. If you are unsure of what to get, a plant catalog can be a great resource. Figure out what your planting zone is, and buy fruit trees that are hardy for that area.
Know Your Planting Season
Most people think of spring as the time for planting everything. While this is often accurate, you may need to plant some things earlier or later in the year. When you buy plants from a nursery, they can often give you advice about when to plant things. If you plant too early, you risk losing your trees to frost. If you plant too late, heat can damage the trees and keep them from blooming the next year.
Test Your Soil
Many new gardeners do not know how important soil sampling Orange County NY is. The acidity or alkalinity of your soil has a major impact on not only whether the plants will survive, but also how much fruit they will bear. You should test your soil periodically, and there are additives that you can use to change the pH of the soil.
Follow Specific Care Guidelines
Every type of fruit tree will have different care guidelines. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to plant care. When you buy your fruit trees, each one should have a tag with general care instructions. It is a good idea to keep these in a safe place so that you can refer to them when needed. There is also a plethora of information on the internet if you have specific questions about a plant.
If you are wanting to get started gardening, fruit trees can be a worthy place to start. Consider these care guidelines to be on your way to growing a successful orchard.